House Made of Mud
Kathe Lison Feb 17, 2016
“The biggest shout of all, however, goes to Oden Construction, our stalwarts. To all of the guys on the crew: Elias, Herman, Tino, Chris, Adolfito, Martine, Dan, Jessie, John, Misael, Gerald, James and everyone, though especially to Sean Oden, our site supervisor extraordinaire. You guys sweated it out in the heat and mud (lots and lots of mud) and we couldn’t be more grateful. And finally, to Randy Oden-owner of the company and our guiding source of wisdom on all things adobe. We would have been lost without you.
Kathe Lison Aug 26, 2016
finally: we were beyond pleased and humbled that the house renovation not only won an award for historic preservation from the pima county historical commission, but also won a governor’s heritage honor award from the Arizona preservation foundation and the Arizona state historic preservation office. the awards recognized the many people who worked so hard to help us bring the old place back, and were well deserved by all!”
Kathie Lison
Home Owner